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5 Stages of Injury Rehabilitation

5 Stages of Injury Rehabilitation

Unfortunately, most athletes and non-athletes get injured in one way or the other. You can’t be extra careful during exercise, field activities and still save yourself from injury. Although you might be careful enough to manage yourself through sporting activities, sometimes the injury that comes may not be somewhat significant to the eyes. For instance, no athlete ever plans to get caught up with muscle pull or other internal hurts during sporting yet a huge number of people on the field still face this challenge.

The point we are trying to prove is, whether you are careful on the field or not, injury and hurt will come, but when it does, what do you do to manage the hurt? Fortunately, there is a rule that says you can protect your health when you suffer injury by understanding the recovery process you should take. Therefore, if you are looking to know and understand the essential injury rehabilitation or recovery process, then you’ll find the right information here.

 Stage One – Protection & Pain Reduction

This first stage is somewhat essential, and by that, it means after the patients have suffered the injury it is necessary to protect the surface area and affected parts. This will help reduce the level of muscle tear and side pain. At this stage, the patient will need as much rest as possible to ensure pain is reduced to its barest level.

 Stage Two – Reconditioning And Restoration Of Joint Mobility 

This stage comprises two activities in one, where the affected joint needs to be reconditioned by applying wounds oil and balm. Usually, once reconditioning is in process, there is a conflict within the injury part where the body would fight to get to its initial stage and the hurt would fight to stay where it is. Also, in this rehab stage, the patient will be pushed to practice mobility, therefore, pulling the affected area forward and backward. This is mostly applicable if the injury is within the joint. However, patients shouldn’t over-stressed to avoid excess inflammation.

 Stage Three – Recovery Of Strength

After successful completion of stages one & two, then the patient should experience relief and be ready for recovery too. In this stage, it is assumed that the injury is settled, and the rest part of the body needs to undergo maintenance. An experienced physiotherapist like the team at Evoker will test the muscular endurance and strength to ascertain that the patient is ready to jump back to the field.

 Stage Four – Restoring Coordination And Balance

Each time there is an encounter with the injury, there is a chance for alteration to the body mechanism. Hence, only an expert can sense if limbs and muscles are positions properly. In the rehabilitation framework, the patient’s state should align with their pathological goal which is to gain balancing as before. At this rehabilitation stage, the patient could return to exercising. In most cases, the athlete is nervous to return to the field.

 Stage Five – Preventing Another Injury

From the pains that have been felt during the last injury, no patient would love to suffer another injury and return to the medic for help. In this injury rehabilitation final stage, the physiotherapist would render advice where possible, and emphasize the fact that patients need to be careful once they leave the treatment ward. It is quite difficult to avoid injury on the field, but there are a few technical movements you can adopt and avoid. With the mindset to prevent another injury, it’s not necessary to keep a routine but be excessively conscious of your moves and responses.


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