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9 Common Diseases of the Ear You Should Know

We normally take our ability to hear all of the amazing noises that surround us for granted until we encounter a sudden loss of hearing.

Hearing or ear problems can be extremely inconvenient and make daily life challenging. You may first notice an earache or minor hearing loss if you have an ear issue. Ear diseases can cause long-term and serious difficulties, such as infection, hearing loss, vertigo (dizziness), and facial paralysis or weakness, if not treated properly.

The Ear Disorders and Their Symptoms

1- Otitis Media

This medical name refers to the common middle ear infection seen in It can be caused by viral, bacterial, or fungal infections, with therapy varying depending on the kind of infection. Inflammation, discomfort, and temporary hearing loss are all symptoms of otitis media.

Pressure can build up inside the ear, resulting in the emergence of a hole in the eardrum in certain situations. In most situations, antibiotics are prescribed to treat this illness.

2- Acoustic Neuroma

The growth of a fibroid around the nerve that transmits balancing impulses from the inner ear to the brain characterizes this relatively uncommon disease. Pain, dizziness, hearing loss, and vertigo are all possible side effects of the growth.

As the tumor grows, it might compress brain areas, causing facial paralysis, swallowing difficulties, and hoarseness. For patients whose tumor size or location is causing severe difficulties, radiation to shrink the tumor or surgery to remove it is the best option.

3- Otosclerosis

The abnormal development of the middle ear’s tiny bones. It’s explained as one of the most prevalent causes of hearing loss in adults, although surgery can help restore hearing.

4- Ménière’s Disease

It’s a long-term disorder that affects the inner ear’s balance and hearing. Vertigo, hearing loss, tinnitus, and a feeling of pressure or “fullness” in the ear are all symptoms. To help alleviate the symptoms, medication is recommended. The Meniett device, implanted in the outer ear and generates micro pressure shocks to balance the fluid pressure in the inner ear, is another possibility.

5- Presbycusis

It’s age-related hearing loss, which occurs as people get older and lose their hearing. It’s frequently bilateral and symmetrical, which means it happens in both ears simultaneously.

6- Barotrauma

It is the term for physical damage to the ear caused by changes in barometric (air) or water pressure.

7- Tinnitus

Tinnitus is a whistling or hissing ear disturbance that can be transient or. Although disorders such as middle ear inflammation can cause, noise pollution or stress are the most common causes. If the reason is possible to pinpoint, the best ENT doctor in Islamabad recommends eliminating or avoiding it. In the case of chronic tinnitus, relaxation exercises can also assist sufferers in learning to perceive symptoms as little as possible.

8- Hearing Loss, Impairment, or Anacusis (deafness)

Hearing loss, impairment, or anacusis (deafness) could be genetic or result from sickness, traumatism, long-term noise exposure, or aggressive auditory nerve medication.

9- Swimmer’s Ear

Otitis externa or Swimmer’s Ear is a type of ear disease characterized by the inflammation of the ear canal. It’s usually caused by moisture accumulating in the ear, irritating it. It can lead to infection, which can cause hearing loss if it worsens.

People who have Swimmer’s Ear demonstrate show signs of redness in the ear canal and a non-smelly, clear discharge, and itching. You may experience fever as well as inflamed lymph nodes.

Treatment Options

Following the diagnosis, your doctor will design a treatment plan specifically for you. It may include:

  • Medication, such as antibiotics
  • Tympanoplasty (eardrum repair)
  • Inserting tubes into the eardrum to prevent fluid from accumulating
  • Cochlear implant surgery
  • Specialized head and surgical neck treatment, including minimally invasive ear surgery


Whenever you experience discomfort, hearing loss, or balance issues due to an unexplained ear problem, you should consult an ENT as soon as possible.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1- Enlist the Common ear Problems in Adults?

These include:

  • Balance Disorders.
  • Cholesteatoma.
  • Ear Infections.
  • Ear Ringing (tinnitus)
  • Hearing Loss.
  • Otitis.
  • Perforated eardrum.

2- What are the Defects of an Ear?

Anotia and microtia are congenital disabilities of the ear. In anotia, the external ear (the visible part of the ear) is missing entirely. When the external ear is small and deformed, it is called microtia.

3- What are the Types of Hearing Loss? 

The Four Types of Hearing Loss are:

  • Sensorineural Hearing Loss.
  • Conductive Hearing Loss.
  • Mixed Hearing Loss.
  • Auditory Neuropathy Spectrum Disorder.