The root canal procedure is one of the most feared dental procedures. In the absence of treatment, dental decay will advance deep inside the tooth until it reaches its pulp. Fillings are placed in place of the infected pulp during root canal treatment. Teeth that would otherwise have to be removed can be saved through this treatment. Now, let’s take a closer look at the process.
What Causes An Infected Tooth?
Nerves and blood vessels surround the root canals of the teeth, which nourish the teeth by providing oxygen and nutrients. As dental decay spreads from the outer surfaces of the teeth into the root canals, nerves and blood vessels become inflamed and infected.
When the pulp tissue dies, it is replaced with pus and infected material. The condition causes pain and swelling, and if untreated can damage the supporting bone structure and result in an abscessed tooth. Thus, the infected pulp is removed and replaced with a filling during root canal treatment.
Following removal of the infected pulp, the tissues surrounding the tooth provide the tooth with nutrition. The teeth can also be damaged and infected by accident cracks, leaks from fillings and infection from the gums extending into the roots.
How To Perform A Root Canal?
A root canal is a procedure that involves cleaning and sterilizing a canal and removing infected tissue. Depending on the situation, your dentist can perform the procedure in two or more visits. To reduce pain and infection in teeth with an active infection, antibiotics are prescribed for 3-5 days.
Before treatment, patients are provided with local anesthesia so they will be comfortable during treatment. In order to keep the tooth dry during the treatment and to prevent contamination of the root canal, a rubber dam is placed around the infected tooth. When the dentist accesses the pulp chamber of the tooth with a dental drill, he will remove the infected pulp from the tooth.
A series of small files will be used to clean the interior of the tooth. Pulp chambers and canals are cleaned and enlarged using these tooth files. In this part, you may need to make multiple visits over several hours. Depending on the tooth that is infected, you may have to make multiple visits. The more roots a tooth has, the longer it will take for treatment to be completed. This is particularly true for the premolars and molars, which have two or three roots with multiple canals. At the first appointment, the tooth is thoroughly cleaned before the temporary filling is applied.
A permanent filling replaces the temporary filling and the tooth’s canal is filled and sealed with a crown during the following appointment. Keeping the root-filled tooth from fractured is the crown’s purpose.
Taking Care Of Yourself
During lumina dental ultimo treatment, do not consume hard foods. Regular brushing and flossing are essential to good oral hygiene. Don’t drink too much soda or sugary drinks. Maintaining your teeth properly can ensure they last a lifetime.