A dropped arch can be a life long misery if the cause of the dropped arch is not corrected and the proper physiotherapy is not applied to the problem to prevent it from happening again. The majority of people experience a dropped arch as the result of a sports injury, age, and wearing shoes that are not appropriate for their daily activities. A part of any treatment for dropped arches by Physio Cambridge will include exercise and consultation about shoe selection that will prevent a recurrence of a dropped arch.
A dropped arch is very painful. The major tendon that attaches the arch to the lower leg loses elasticity and the ability to support the arch of the foot. The muscular balance between your leg and foot has become distorted and just putting up with the pain can lead to more pain and the potential for immobility that can be permanent.
While a dropped arch may hurt, just sitting and waiting for the problem to take care of itself will only make the problem worse as well as severely limit your normal activities. It may seem strange to you when your foot causes you a great deal of pain that exercise that is directed at strengthening the muscles and tendons that support your arch has been shown to be the most effective treatment for dropped arch by physiotherapy research.
The physiotherapy experts do not plan on having you run a marathon yet, but the simple exercises below are guaranteed to lift your dropped arch, eliminate the pain that you experience from a dropped arch, and get you back to full mobility as soon as possible. Certainly, it is in your best interest to consult physiotherapy Cambridge before beginning any exercise program for dropped arch so that your particular situation can be evaluated completely and the best program for you can be developed.
The muscles in the calf of your leg are the primary muscles that connect the arch to the other muscles and tendons in the leg and the rest of the foot.
Stand on a stair or a surface that is a few inches above ground level. Your toes should be on the surface and the back of your foot should be off of the surface. You may need to try the position for a few times so that you find the right position that prevents you from falling. A stair with a banister will help keep you from falling while doing this exercise.
Lift the back of your heel as high as possible and hold that position for five seconds. Relax and return to the original position and rest for 10 seconds. Repeat the exercise 10 times for each foot. You can do this exercise anywhere and multiple repetitions strengthen the muscles and tendons that produced a dropped arch.
Simple dropped arch relief
These simple exercises can be done anywhere as long as you can take your shoes off. The exercises are a great starting point for really painful feet caused by dropped arch.
Stand with your feet together and flat on the floor. Lift your toes as high as you can and hold the position for five seconds. Relax for five seconds and repeat at least 12 times.
Start with your feet flat on the floor. Rock both of your feet inward as far as you can and then rock them outward as far as you can. Repeat the exercise 12 times. The exercise makes the ankle stronger and more flexible and therefore supports the arch.
An alternating toe lift strengthens both the arch and the muscles that support the foot. Start with both feet flat on the floor. Lift the big toe of both feet off the floor as high as you can. Alternate lifting different toes one at a time and then in groups of two or three to get the most benefit from the exercise.
Walking is the cause of dropped arch according to physicians. A physiotherapy expert can eliminate the pain of dropped arch and provide you with an exercise routine that gets your dropped arch back where it belongs.