Last updated on July 28, 2021
If there is one thing that almost everyone wants is to look good and have a healthy body. However, exercising is not always a feasible alternative for everybody. It’s too stressful, strains the body, and it’s too tiring.
Over the years, there have been numerous weight loss plans that solely relied on changing the diet. This has been effective to some extent with some claiming it works and many claiming it doesn’t. If all these methods haven’t been as effective as ‘advertised’, you should try the HCG drops diet plan.

Table of Contents
What Is the HCG Drops Diet Plan?
The use of HCG as a weight loss plan dates back to the 1950s when Dr. ATW Simeons discovered that HCG hormone has weight loss benefits. This is detailed in his book “Pounds and Inches” — Dr. Simeon’s diet plan comprised of hormone injections and low-calorie intake of about 500 calories per day.
Since then, HCG intake has become readily available in pellets, oral drops, and sprays. HCG is a hormone produced during the first trimester of pregnancy. The HCG drops diet plan uses a combination of starvation-level calorie intake and HCG to attain the required weight loss. If correctly administered, you can lose up to 2 pounds every day.
How Do You Survive on the HCG Drops Diet Plan?
You may ask, “that calorie intake is so low, won’t your body feel the need to replenish?” The answer is no. The HCG diet plan is formulated in such a way that it tricks your body into thinking that you are pregnant.
Due to your low-calorie intake, your body begins to conserve calories which in turn saves energy. This will boost your metabolism, enable you to lose the excess fat while diminishing the need to eat.
The HCG drops diet plan is divided into three phases;
Phase 1: Loading Phase
This is the first of the three HCG diet phases, and it entails taking the HCG treatment. This could be as an injection, consumed orally or sprayed on your body depending on your preferences. You are then required to consume high fat and high-calorie foods for several days.
As your body adjusts to the HCG, you feel cravings for all kinds of foods. Remember, your body thinks that you are pregnant, so be ready for the needs. During this period, you are allowed to consume fatty foods, carbs, and high protein foods.
Phase 2: Weight Loss
This is the second, and it can last for about 3-6 weeks. During this phase, you will continue with the HCG treatment while consuming only 500 calories a day for 3-6 weeks.
Since the treatment takes more than three weeks, most people opt for HCG drops. This is because an injection every day for three weeks or more isn’t something that everyone is willing to accept. During this stage, the most critical component is that you don’t exceed the stipulated calorie intake.
Phase 3: Maintenance Phase
After following all the stipulated instructions in the second stage, you can now proceed to the third stage. During this stage, you are required to cease taking the HCG hormone and increase your food consumption.
It’s recommended that you avoid sugar and starch during the first three weeks. However, if you want to lose more weight, you should stick to the diet plan for six weeks. But if you have less to lose, stick to the three weeks diet plan.
In the weight phase, you are required to eat only two meals a day; either lunch and dinner or breakfast and dinner. Since this is the main stage, every meal should contain at least a portion of vegetables, lean protein, bread, and fruits.
Make sure you avoid oil, sugar, and butter during the second phase but remember to replenish your body using liquids. Drink a lot of mineral water, coffee, tea, etc.
Also, do a lot of research before you buy any HCG products on the market. This is because a small percentage of HCG products are homoeopathic, which means they either have very little HCG or no HCG at all. With this in mind, source your HCG from a reputable source or a doctor.
List of Approved Foods
Before you can learn how to use HCG drops, it’s advisable that you also learn the list of approved foods. Most people who opt out of this diet plan often do so because of the limited number of foods that are allowed during the weight loss plan.
The key to cracking this part is not thinking of the options as a list of foods that you can eat every day but as a list of food options that you can combine to produce as many options as you can. Mix up the foods to satisfy your tastes. Here is a list of foods you can incorporate in your HCG drops diet plan:
Without the required amount of proteins, your body will shut down. This means that even though you are trying to reduce weight, you need lean proteins every day. It doesn’t have to be traditional meat sources.
You can go the seafood route to satisfy your body’s daily protein requirement. Some of the approved protein options include three white eggs, extra-lean beef, bison, chicken, lobster, white fish, scallops and crab.
with the HCG drops diet plan, you are only allowed two servings of fruit per day. The approved fruits include grapefruit, raspberries, apples, lemons, oranges, strawberries, and blueberries.
You need two cups of veggies every day. Preferably, mix the veggies with your meat or find another way to spice up your plants. Approved plants include spinach, onions, tomatoes, celery, asparagus, chard, broccoli, beets, cauliflower, cabbage, and red radishes.
You should try and avoid pre-packaged seasoning packs, butter, dressing, and oils for a successful HCG diet plan.
HCG Drops Diet Plan Has No Intense Side Effects
The side effects of this diet are either minimal or non-existent. During the first week, some people tend to experience headaches, fatigue, leg cramps, and constipation.
Most of these are caused by dehydration. This is why it’s recommended that you consume a lot of water.
The positive effects of HCG drop diet plan include increased energy, improved sleep, blood sugar-stabilizing, reduced risk of breast cancer and you become less irritable.
For more information on weight loss, be sure to visit our blog.