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Posts tagged as “dog training”

Topic: How To Train Your Dog With Games

So, you have decided to teach a few lessons to your dog. Do you have a training plan in mind? Are you familiar with any dog training program that you can implement easily? Do you know how you can train your dog and get the best out of him? If you failed to answer any of these questions, don’t feel bad about it. There are plenty of other people out there dealing with the same issue. And more, you’re at the right place to learn the basics of dog training and the best method to train your pet.

There are different kinds of training methods designed to teach pets how to behave in public or at home. The earlier you invest in such methods, the better it is for you and your dog. Starting with the basic DIY training, you can extend the course for in-depth and more serious training modules. For this purpose, you may want to enroll yourself in a dog training certification program. You can visit and get the latest updates on training.

Coming back to the basic programs, you can start behavior training by using games. Let’s see how you can help your dog walk on track with the help of this particular training method.

Think Before Playing

Although, there is a possibility of training new commands with the help of games, a better idea would be to reinforce those commands that you have already given to your dog. Moreover, you can practice new commands in areas where there is less distraction and low noise.

Work Before Play

Build a habit in your dog to work before playing games. It means, you can show your dog his favorite toy and give impression that the play is about to start any moment, but he will be allowed to play when he follows your commands. You can try commands like “Sit, “Lay”, or “Down”. When the dog complies, start the play.

But you dog may not respond the way you wanted. If it happens, simply leave the place for few minutes. Then repeat the same command and see how he responds. Your dog will soon learn that he has to respond quickly to start the play.

Game Should Be Learning Opportunity

While playing games, you’ll have opportunities to reinforce training commands. For example, you can practice the command “drop it” when your pet has a ball in his mouth. If you see him dropping the ball quickly, restart the game. If he doesn’t, walk away from him for a while. That’ll teach him a lesson!

If you have dog trainer certification, you can easily reinforce other commands in the same manner. Select the relevant tools (toys) according to the commands.

Unwanted Behavior Should Be Stopped

You can use games to stop undesirable behavior in your pet. Actions such as mouthing and jumping can be stopped with the help of games. As soon as your dog exhibits unwanted behavior, stop the game then and there. It will be enough to teach him that he should not make the same mistake again.