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Posts tagged as “Nutrition Benefits”

Top 11Health and Nutrition Benefits of Persimmon

Did you know that persimmon helps prevent heart attacks, varicose veins, and SARS? Moreover, heart and various other health problems are arising among adolescence due to poor lifestyle and eating habits. The only solution is to adopt healthy habits and to include nutritious foods in your diet. So parents should pay attention to the nutritional needs of their kids

Persimmon is the best fruit you should buy today. The permissible daily intake is about 700 g (2-3 fruits, depending on size). This amount is enough to support immunity, improve vision, and improve mood. Therefore, it is beneficial for moody, weak, and depressed kids.

Along with these, there are several other health benefits of persimmons. Let’s discuss each of them in more detail.

Health Benefits of Persimmons

Persimmon may not be the favorite fruit of many kids, but it should definitely be a part of their diet. You like it or not, but it can make you healthy and strong. Therefore do not wait and buy these tasty and healthy fruits from your near stores today. Here are some health benefits of persimmon:

Promotes Digestion

The fiber in vegetables and fruits removes toxins, stimulates the intestines, and increases the secretion of gastric juice. However, persimmons contain tannins, which give the feeling of satiety and improve the digestion process.But persimmon is not advised to give to children under three years of age. This is because their digestive systems are not completely formed.

Persimmon Is Good for Blood

Stress and poor nutrition can lead to the development of anemia when hemoglobin in the blood decreases. The main symptoms are dizziness, drowsiness, and apathy. In such cases, in addition to the treatment prescribed by the doctor, you should include persimmons in the diet.

It helps to produce red blood cells, speeds up, liquefies, and cleanses the blood. Moreover, it enriches the body with oxygen, stabilizes the blood pressure, and the state of health improves.

Increases The Elasticity of Blood Vessels

To increase the elasticity of blood vessels, you need to use vitamins C, P, and PP. All of them are present in persimmons (vitamin C makes up almost 20% of the total vitamin composition of the fruit).

In addition, as already mentioned persimmon accelerates blood, enhances outflow, and does not allow it to stagnate. Therefore, you should definitely include persimmons in the diet, if you have a tendency to varicose veins or rosacea.

Source of Powerful Antioxidants

Persimmon has antioxidant properties. Therefore, it is extremely beneficial for recovering from substance abuse. The body is at its weakest when it’s withdrawing from such an addiction. At this point persimmon can provide necessary antioxidants and help the body to recover quickly.

Persimmon Improves Eyesight

Vitamin A and beta-carotene in the fetus strengthens the eye muscle and accelerates tissue repair. Persimmons contain zeaxanthin, which reduces the risk of macular degeneration and cataracts. This substance helps preserve vision, confirms research by the US National Eye Institute.

Persimmon Is a Source of Iodine

Endocrine system problems are one of the factors of weight gain. For the normal functioning of the thyroid gland, the body requires iodine. And persimmon contains 30 μg of this element per 100 g of the product.

According to WHO, lack of iodine can affect brain problems, slow down mental, and physical development in children. A person needs 2–2.5 mcg of iodine per 1 kg of body weight per day, while pregnant and lactating women should consume at least 250 mcg of iodine every day.

Persimmon Helps to Remove Excess Salt

The magnesium and potassium in persimmons support the excretory and genitourinary systems. By consuming the fruit daily, you will reduce the risk of kidney stones. Persimmon helps to remove excess salts from the body and remove the swelling of the hands and feet.

Persimmon Strengthens the Heart

According to scientific research, eating one persimmon a day significantly reduces the likelihood of developing a heart attack. Minerals and phenolic compounds are needed to fight atherosclerosis, which blocks arteries that can lead to heart attacks and strokes.

Improves Mood

The fruit contains B vitamins, and without them normal functioning of the nervous system is impossible. Tryptophan, which is part of persimmon, is involved in the production of serotonin.It is a hormone of happiness and joy. Just two persimmons a day are enough for positive thoughts and a good mood.

Persimmon Supports Immunity

Due to the high content of vitamin C (about 80% of the daily value in one fruit), persimmon stimulates the immune system. The sweet berry increases the number of white blood cells that protect the body from fungal and viral infections.

In the case of bronchial disease, persimmon helps to more actively remove mucus, protecting against possible pneumonia. You can even use persimmon juice to gargle when you have a cold.

Health and Nutrition Benefits

Provides The Body with Calcium

Calcium is essential for strong bones, heart, and nervous system function. All bones are renewed very slowly every year, and for this they need calcium. In addition, if the body does not receive it from the foods, then the body takes and consumes it from the bones. 100 g of persimmon contains about 127 mg of calcium, which is more than 11% of the daily need for humans.

Wrapping It Up

Consumption of fruits (including persimmons) promotes weight loss. It just so happens that in the modern world, fruits are unreasonably blacklisted among most people losing weight. In fact, there is no need to be afraid of them. Fruits like persimmons area storehouse of vitamins and nutrients.

Therefore, it would be great to increase their intake, regardless of whether the person is losing weight or not. Moreover, this fruit has a fairly low-calorie content; persimmon contains about 70 kcal per 100 grams. It is much less in calories than a standard dessert. So include this beneficial fruit in your diet.