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Posts tagged as “Teeth Braces”

Guide on the Different Types of Teeth Braces

Orthodontics braces are braces worn in the mouth to shape crooked teeth into a straight line. They can be the best investment you have made if you are aiming for a winning smile. Not only can that but having straight teeth also improve your oral health. The following are 5 types of teeth braces.

Type 1: Invisalign

Invisalign is a mouthguard teeth braces that are made from clear BPA free plastic. Invisalign aligners can be custom made for you. It has no trace of metal wire or bracket so you will not feel any pain while wearing it. Because you can remove conveniently, the food will not get stuck on your braces when you are eating. This reduces the likelihood of contracting gingivitis. Invisalign is transparent and people won’t be able to see it. The St Albans orthodontics clinician will show you how your teeth will look like at the end of the treatment. Invisalign is only suitable for treating teeth that are slightly crooked.  If you choose Invisalign, you must have self-discipline and remind yourself to wear the brace at least 20 hours per day.

Type 2: Metal Braces

Metal braces, also known as traditional braces, has a bendable metal wire that holds together the brackets to put pressure on the teeth. Metal braces used to be bigger and very prominent in the past. However, now, they have become smaller and less noticeable. Metal braces stay on your teeth permanently so you will never forget to put it on. You have the option to customize the braces with the rubber bands color of your choice. Metal braces can exert an adequate amount of pressure to put very crooked teeth back in place so it is suitable for people with complex teeth problems.

Type 3: Lingual Braces

Lingual braces are similar to metal braces except they are placed inside of the mouth. However, it can still be spotted when you open your mouth. The downside is that it is difficult to clean since you cannot see it clearly. It can also make it difficult for you to talk. You will have to overcome the learning curve in speech if you plan to wear lingual braces for long term. Lingual braces are not suitable for people with serious orthodontic conditions. It is a less popular option because of the higher cost and the longer time it takes to complete the treatment.

Type 4: Ceramic Brackets

Teeth Braces

Ceramic brackets used to be a popular alternative to metal braces. The color of the ceramic bracket is the same as the texture of the teeth. For this reason, it is hard for people to observe the ceramic brackets. The wire usually also have the same color as the teeth of the patient so that it is difficult for people to see that you are wearing braces. The brackets can get stained easily if you did not clean them promptly. If they are stained, people will be able to see that you are wearing ceramic braces.

Type 5: Self Ligating Brackets

Self-ligating brackets are equipped with a sliding mechanism that enables the archwire to move. Lesser frictions are involved so there is no need for the use of elastic bands. Food is less likely to stuck on self-ligating brackets. It is also less painful to wear and lesser trips need to be made to the dentist office. Both metal and ceramic versions of braces are available.