Are you leading a life free from troubles? Do you have a satisfied family? Are you one of those lucky people who pay their bills on time and have complete control over finance? In short, if you’re contented with life, you’re one in millions. Unfortunately, everyone in the world has some kind of issue to deal with. That excludes mentally handicapped out of the equation.
People deal with 5 most common issues that are directly related to mental health and have bad impacts on health. These include
- Abuse,
- Anxiety,
- Depression
- Addiction,
- Eating disorder.
They are almost interrelated issues, but have different outcomes. To deal with these issues, people consult medical and health experts, take expensive medications and spend a large portion of their income treating these issues.
Above mentioned issues are quite common in North America, including Canada and the United States where majority of people are patients of depression, anxiety and other mental issues. The nature and intensity differ from case to case and in some cases, only counselling sessions can help reduce the impact. You can join Professional counselling centers St catharines to get help and treat these problems, and to do that you should go to licensed counselling center St Catharines.
If you think you don’t need any counselling, better read about 2 major issues and their impacts on life.
It is one common issue found in almost all the people. One in every five Canadian has this problem. This problem not only affects the person but also the people living with him.
Depression is a condition that affects social behavior and physical well-being. You may feel tired or discouraged while facing problems. But this is not depression unless these feeling continue for a longer period of time. Moreover, as the time progresses, you will feel them with much more intensity than before.
- Emotional pain
- Affects millions of people
- Bad impact on family members and friends
- Reduces productivity
- Negative impact on economy
The diseases is not untreatable, but your psychologist or counsellor needs clear idea about the cause of depression. You can ad secure your family.
Everyone feels anxiety. You feel anxious on your first date; you get tensed while working under pressure. The tension, the heart pounding, these are signs pushing you to react. It’s just your brain’s reaction to an unanticipated situation. But if you feel it more often in normal situations, you’re going towards anxiety disorder.
Here are two main categories of Anxiety:
Social Anxiety:
this state comes when a person feels overwhelmingly anxious and self-conscious in normal situations. The person with social anxiety has fear of being watched and judged. Physical symptoms of this disorder include profuse sweating, blushing, trembling, talking difficulty and nausea. Special treatments are required to treat this disorder.
Panic Attack: it refers to attacks of terror that can occur anytime. You can feel increased heart beat, chest pain, dizziness and nausea etc. This problem is treatable with medication and cognitive psychotherapy.
it refers to attacks of terror that can occur anytime. You can feel increased heart beat, chest pain, dizziness and nausea etc. This problem is treatable with medication and cognitive psychotherapy.