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KSM-66: Follow These Tricks for Enhancing Your Memory

Last updated on March 16, 2018

The brain would never lose a memory – it records and keeps each one like a computer. But, the problems with recalling certain information start when you fail to retrieve this matter and so the memories you had kept are lost permanently. Like the other parts of your body, the brain requires mental and physical training alongside with certain nutrients to increase your mental performance and memory. Here are some ways to boost your memory!

Follow a Healthy Diet

The foods you do and don’t eat have an important role in enhancing your memory. All fresh vegetables are important, as are healthy fats. Also, minimizing your intake of carbohydrates and sugar is advisable. You could find detailed information about nine foods for memory power from trusted sites, so read them! For instance, walnuts, cauliflower, broccoli, celery, and curry are filled with antioxidants and other substances that can protect your brain and promote the synthesis of new brain cells. Increasing your intake of omega-3 fats and doing away with omega-6 fats for balance the omega-6 to omega-3 ratio is important!

Others would prefer using krill oil, as it contains astaxanthin, which is specifically beneficial for brain health. In addition, coconut oil is also good for memory function. As stated by one of the current studies, just two tablespoons of coconut oil can produce the corresponding 20 games of medium-chain triglycerides, which is the preventive measure against a chronic neurological concern or as the medication for an already established aid.


Increase Your Physical Activity

Exercise stimulates your brain to perform at its optimum condition by activating new cells to increase, improving their security against deterioration and interconnections. While you’re exercising, nerve cells release protein known as neurotrophic elements. Besides, the certain brain-derived neurotrophic factor stimulates different substances that boost neural health and affects the cognitive functions, including learning. One of the most recent studies also revealed that a regular training not only enhances blood circulation to your brain but helped the monkeys learn about new duties twice as easily as non-exercising creatures.

This is a result that scholars believe would be applicable to the human being as well. In another study, individuals who joined in the exercise were actually expanding and developing the brain’s memory center (hippocampus), where that area would have continued to shrink. To get the most out of your training, experts suggest a comprehensive plan and activity that includes regular intermittent movement, core work, stretching, strength training, and high-intensity interval exercise. If exercise wouldn’t meet your conditions, try KSM-66!

Multitasking – Stop This Habit!

Used for years to define the identical processing abilities of computers, multitasking is the new attempt of humans to perform numerous jobs simultaneously, as easily as possible. But, this practice can affect your performance, making you sensitive to errors. Studies show that you need about eight seconds to instill a piece of information to your memory; hence, if you’re talking on the phone when you put the keys, you’ll forget where you placed them!

The opposite idea of multitasking is mindfulness meditation, which aids you to train about having the undistracted focus. Those who took a mindfulness meditation class an enhanced working memory capacity and higher reading comprehension test scores.