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Posts tagged as “Dental Implants”

Should You Travel To Replace Missing Teeth?

Are you feeling disturbed due to missing teeth? Missing teeth problems are one of the growing problems seen in adults, these issues can severely affect our everyday life. When we lose one or more teeth, we start losing confidence. First of all, if the front tooth is in the aesthetic zone, we lose confidence in smiling. Replacing missing teeth can have an impact on personal and professional lives. Do you know that health complications can arise from ignoring even one missing tooth? If you lose a tooth in the back of your mouth you may think it doesn’t matter. Not only does your chewing efficiency become compromised, but oral health also gets disturbed. For a lower cost and without traveling thousands of miles, you can get high-quality dental implants in Ireland. A missing tooth can leads to a flood of events that involve the following:

  • Worsening your jawbone volume and density: When teeth are lost, the bone slowly starts to shrink or recede, resulting in a sunken and premature face.
  • Adjacent teeth begin to crumple into this space and become misaligned.
  • As teeth relocate into the space, they alter the current bite to a difficult one.
  • The strength and design of your arches become compromised.
  • As a result of an uneven bite, jaw, neck pain, and headaches could result.
  • Loss of multiple teeth leads to issues with speaking and loss of chewing strength.
  • As teeth move into the gaps, they become more difficult to clean, increase of tooth decay problems, gum disease, and ultimately tooth loss.

What Happens When You Lose Your Teeth?

We can lose teeth by natural and unnatural circumstances. But what can happen when you don’t get dental implants done to replace missing teeth? Many don’t understand the serious importance of missing teeth in their lives. The non-natural ways people lose their teeth can affect the integrity of the gums. The natural way to lose teeth is due to age and poor oral hygiene. Having missing teeth can cause various problems such as uneven growth of teeth, bone mass reduction in the jaw, etc. Also, another major problem is the outer appearance over time also changes when we lose our teeth.

5 Dangers of Not Replacing a Missing Tooth

 Things Can Happen If You Don’t Replace Missing Teeth On Time:

Here are three things that happen to you when you don’t immediately replace missing teeth with dental implants:

1.Shifted Teeth:

Do you know that our teeth are structured to hold and support each other teeth in place? But when one tooth is missing, over the period the other teeth shift to fill up the gap. Thus it causes teeth to look crooked as they shift to adjust place inside the mouth. Straight teeth bending inwards to fill a gap can create uneven spaces leading to a twisted impression.


2.Uneven Tooth Growth:

Keep checking other teeth’ growth check as an unopposed tooth can spread than its normal length. It generally leads to uneven tooth growth. It is not uncommon to see patients with missing teeth have extended teeth, which are trying to fill gaps. It causes a problem with your chewing a problem when you try to close your mouth correctly.

2.Mouth Alignment Issues

Do you know that twisted and uneven teeth can result in a misaligned mouth? As your teeth have shifted, the chewing pattern also changes. Your jaw muscles try to recompense.  Over time, it will cause your face to look uneven. It also increases the chance of developing speech conditions as your mouth’s natural movement’s change. Did you know that Headaches, tooth decay, and weakened teeth can also develop due to alignment issues?

3.Jawbone Mass Reduction:

The most difficult part of missing teeth is jawbone mass reduction. A missing tooth can cause a decrease in mass of the jawbone each year leading to a weakened jaw. The bone collapses by pulling the attached muscles and tissues with it. It can change your entire facial structure as your face’s muscles and tissues are linked with your bone structure. When bone mass reduction happens the bone can collapse pulling the attached muscles and tissues.

Hundreds of manufacturers today are available for dental implants but understanding the quality of the product is the main challenge. Talk with your dentist. In Ireland, we have positively experienced trained Dentists who can go over implant options for every age group. Function, aesthetics, and health are a top priority for us, if you think you might be a candidate for implants or have missing teeth, call us today. We’ll be happy to assess your teeth and determine which treatment is right for you.

The Effect of Smoking on Dental Implants

Cigarettes are one of the most dangerous and serious enemies of human health. Besides, smoking affects all aspects of your life. The risk of dental surgery failure is extremely high in those who smoke. Smoking can even harm the operation of dental implants and cause the failure of this cosmetic dentistry treatment. To learn more about the effect of smoking on dental implants surgery, read the rest of this article:

Dental Implants for Smokers: Smokers Can Also Have Dental Implants

Many people ask us if dental implant placement is possible and successful for smokers? The short answer is “yes”. Such people can also benefit from the gift of dental implants, and there is almost no obstacle in their way. But the process of implantation and the post-implantation for these people are different from non-smokers. In order for a smoker to qualify for dental implants, s/he must change his habits and lifestyle. If these people cannot make such changes, the result of the dental implant surgery will probably fail, or at least the maintenance and care of the implant will be difficult in the future.

The Impact of Cigarettes On Implants: How Do Smoking and Cigarettes Affect Dental Implants?

Because of the harmful effects of nicotine, tobacco, and cigarettes, dental implants will not be successful in all smokers. Cigarettes and their smoke negatively affect the success of this surgery in several different ways:

Cigarette smoke damages the gums and jawbones: Cigarette smoke burns the structures inside your mouth and can damage or block salivary glands, which causes dry mouth. Cigarettes are practically the enemy of the salivary glands. Saliva deficiency can lead to tooth decay and gum disease and weaken the bone mass that surrounds the dental implant.

Nicotine slows down the functioning of the immune system: no matter how nicotine enters your body, it limits the flow of oxygen and blood to the bones and tissues of the mouth. While the jawbone needs this oxygen and blood flow during the dental implant recovery period, nicotine exposure reduces the level of defense and immune function, thereby decreasing the ability to heal.

Tobacco and nicotine prevent the jawbone from regrowth around the dental implant: In addition to reducing blood flow and oxygen to the bone for repair, nicotine and smoking prevent the jawbone from fusion to the dental implant.

Dental Implants

How many days after the dental implant should you not smoke?

As with any surgery, you should follow your dentist or dental surgeon’s instructions and recommendations to ensure the best results in implant placement for smokers. You are required to follow all pre- and post-operative recommendations; otherwise, there is no guarantee of success for your dental implant operation as a smoker. For example, you should have a proper diet, do not smoke or drink alcohol.

How Can the Effect of Smoking On Dental Implants Be Reduced?

Here are some tips to help you take better care of your dental implant and increase your chances of having an excellent permanent tooth:

The best way to reduce the risk of dental implant failure and improve your overall health after this procedure is to stop smoking. Quit smoking anyway. You can get help from doctors or use centers and support groups to quit smoking.

  • Avoid smoking for at least one week before surgery and at least two months after.
  • Brush your teeth and use mouthwashes after smoking.
  • See your dentist for regular checkups and specialized brushing.

Dental Implants: A Permanent Tooth Replacement Option

Having regular, white, and beautiful teeth can make your smile more pleasant and make your face more attractive. But not having even one tooth in the mouth can have various side effects, the most important of which are the possibility of diseases and digestive disorders and wrinkles in the upper part of the face, and this is where dental implants come into play! For more information, visit Dental Implants Center in North York.

Some patients think that the dental implant placement is painful, while the dental implant surgery is easier than extracting a tooth, so the pain is not so much. After a while, losing the dental implant is a sign of unsuccessful treatment, so for successful treatment of dental implants, it is necessary to consult an implant specialist. Dental implants vary depending on the application; for example, a special type of dental implant, which is called overdenture treatment.

It does not matter what age you are. You should have enough bone growth. In this way, anyone can use the dental implants and services provided by dentists in this field. Because osteoporosis is less common in the jawbone with age, it is also possible for older people to use dental implants.

What are dental implants and their components?

The dental implant components fit together like buttons. The different parts of it each have their functions, which include the following.

– Fixture

– Abutment

– Crown

The fixture acts as a tooth root in the dental implant that is inserted into the bone. The fixture is a screw that requires surgery to place it in the jawbone. The titanium fixture has increased the price of dental implants. The abutment is another part that is placed on the fixture. The crown is placed on the abutment as the crown of the tooth. Implant specialists make the crown in the laboratory.

What are the benefits of dental implants?

With advancing age, the loss of teeth increases, which causes many problems such as difficulty eating and talking. Besides, it affects the facial beauty. These factors lead people to refer the dental implant specialists for receiving dental implants. The old treatment for tooth loss was the use of complete prostheses, which had their problems. Today, the benefits of dental implants over traditional dentures have been proven. Dental implantation methods are also progressing, and new methods include non-surgical implants.

When are dental implants not recommended?

In cases where a person has uncontrolled diabetes, dental implants are not recommended. Moreover, patients who have received chronic treatment with steroids and high-dose radiation therapy cannot use dental implants.

When a patient refers to the dental clinic for receiving dental implants, the dentist checks the following factors:

– Oral and dental health

– Periodontal health

– Connection of two jaws

– Position of teeth

– The degree of tooth decay

– Quality and quantity of jaw bone

– Restorative treatment plan before implant placement

Accurate radiographs including P.A. crthopantograpl OPG, Cone beam CT CBCT of the part of the jawbone that has been implanted are required.