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Dental Implants: A Permanent Tooth Replacement Option

Having regular, white, and beautiful teeth can make your smile more pleasant and make your face more attractive. But not having even one tooth in the mouth can have various side effects, the most important of which are the possibility of diseases and digestive disorders and wrinkles in the upper part of the face, and this is where dental implants come into play! For more information, visit Dental Implants Center in North York.

Some patients think that the dental implant placement is painful, while the dental implant surgery is easier than extracting a tooth, so the pain is not so much. After a while, losing the dental implant is a sign of unsuccessful treatment, so for successful treatment of dental implants, it is necessary to consult an implant specialist. Dental implants vary depending on the application; for example, a special type of dental implant, which is called overdenture treatment.

It does not matter what age you are. You should have enough bone growth. In this way, anyone can use the dental implants and services provided by dentists in this field. Because osteoporosis is less common in the jawbone with age, it is also possible for older people to use dental implants.

What are dental implants and their components?

The dental implant components fit together like buttons. The different parts of it each have their functions, which include the following.

– Fixture

– Abutment

– Crown

The fixture acts as a tooth root in the dental implant that is inserted into the bone. The fixture is a screw that requires surgery to place it in the jawbone. The titanium fixture has increased the price of dental implants. The abutment is another part that is placed on the fixture. The crown is placed on the abutment as the crown of the tooth. Implant specialists make the crown in the laboratory.

What are the benefits of dental implants?

With advancing age, the loss of teeth increases, which causes many problems such as difficulty eating and talking. Besides, it affects the facial beauty. These factors lead people to refer the dental implant specialists for receiving dental implants. The old treatment for tooth loss was the use of complete prostheses, which had their problems. Today, the benefits of dental implants over traditional dentures have been proven. Dental implantation methods are also progressing, and new methods include non-surgical implants.

When are dental implants not recommended?

In cases where a person has uncontrolled diabetes, dental implants are not recommended. Moreover, patients who have received chronic treatment with steroids and high-dose radiation therapy cannot use dental implants.

When a patient refers to the dental clinic for receiving dental implants, the dentist checks the following factors:

– Oral and dental health

– Periodontal health

– Connection of two jaws

– Position of teeth

– The degree of tooth decay

– Quality and quantity of jaw bone

– Restorative treatment plan before implant placement

Accurate radiographs including P.A. crthopantograpl OPG, Cone beam CT CBCT of the part of the jawbone that has been implanted are required.